Gender differences by age

 We identified the following statistically significant differences by gender-age. 

Description of church most often attended

More men (27.1%) than women (20.4%) attend a traditional type of church

More women (38.1%) than men (29.7%) attend a family focused type of church

More women (36.5%) than men (28.7%) attend a lively type of church

How helpful do you find your church leader's advice on relationships and issues of singleness?

More women (50.5%) than men (40.5%) state that they find it 'unhelpful' or 'church leaders give very little guidance'

Marriage and happiness

More men (63%) than women (48.8%) agree that being married would make them happier

Positivity Rating

More women (66.9%) than men (55.2%) agree that they would be happy as a single person and would also be happy if married

Positivity Rating

More women (79.8%) than men (67.9%) agree that happiness isn’t really about whether one is married or not

Positivity Rating

Being single, what do they enjoy?

More women (50.3%) than men (42.4%) enjoy having the space and time to devote themselves to faith/prayer

More women (53.5%) than men (40.9%) enjoy having the chance to spend more time with friends and family

Feelings about being single

More men (31.1%) than women (25%) agree that they feel as if their life is on hold until they get married

Positivity Rating

More men (40.6%) than women (33.7%) agree that they feel it is their fault that they are single

Positivity Rating

More men (25.7%) than women (16.3%) agree that sometimes people who discover they are single assume that they are gay

Positivity Rating

How easy do you find doing things alone?

More women (57.5%) than men (49.2%) state that they enjoy or don’t have any problems in going to social functions alone

More women (43.7%) than men (37.1%) state that they enjoy or don't have any problems in being amongst married couples and children

More women (48.6%) than men (26.8%) state that they enjoy or don't have any problems in being responsible for everything in their life, both inside and outside of the home

Frequency of involvement in activities

More women (49.9%) than men (39.2%) state that they socialise with close friends at least once each week

Impact of singleness on faith

More women (53%) than men (38.5%) agree or strongly agree that in some ways being single has made their faith stronger

More men (65.6%) than women (46.6%) agree or strongly agree that having a partner in their life would strengthen them in their faith

Positivity Rating

Frequency of dating

More men (50.8%) than women (37.9%) go on dates either quite often or a few times in the last year

The best way to meet potential partners

More women (52.1%) than men (46.1%) state that one of the best ways to meet potential partners is through family and friends

More men (59.9%) than women (50.8%) state that one of the best ways to meet potential partners is through online dating sites and social networks

Do you think most Christians actually practise what they believe (or are taught) about sex before marriage?

More men (31.5%) than women (24.9%) think that all or most Christians do practise what they believe about no sex before marriage

View on sex before marriage

More women (53.5%) than men (43.5%) state that sex belongs only in marriage and that they are fine with that

Importance of avoiding sex before marriage

More women (48.4%) than men (36.1%) rate avoiding sex before marriage as of being of the utmost importance

Do you think the church's teaching on sex tends to deter people making or staying with their Christian commitment?

More women (42.1%) than men (32.2%) state that they think this had an effect on someone they knew

How do you feel about there being more women than men in church?

62% of women state that they are concerned because it lessens the chance of them finding a husband, whereas 35.3% of men state that they are rather glad because it improves their chance of finding a wife

More men (20.2%) than women (7.6%) state that they have never been aware of this imbalance in the church

Would you be interested in attending an event or conference to raise awareness of singleness issues?

More women (29.4%) than men (20.6%) state they would definitely attend such an event

How do you feel your own church could better encourage its single members?

More men (68.1%) than women (58.7%) state that a member of the church leadership should be specifically accountable for singles' ministry

How do you feel about your own sexuality and sexual behaviour?

More men (17.7%) than women (9.7%) state that they feel guilty about their sexual behaviour

More women (10.7%) than men (3.1%) state that they have been abused or mistreated sexually

More men (40.5%) than women (23.9%) state that they struggle with their thoughts and feelings about sex