Data files for download

Working Draft Reports and Data related to the 'Singleness in the UK church' survey. The Working Draft Reports were used to create the research results written on the website. If there are any small editorial differences, then the website should be considered the primary source.

The Data files consist of the summary of the answers to questions, together with all the 9,500 comments.

Readers reviewing the data should also read how they were analysed in Methodology section.

Readers are free to re-use the data in these reports and from the website provided proper citation is made of them: Pullinger, DJ, 2014, Singleness in the UK Church,

Files available for downloading:

For completeness, these are the Data files for other questions, the contents of which have been included elsewhere or which have been analysed for future surveys:

  • Church teaching on sex a deterrent Data (254 KB, PDF)
  • Reasons for not attending church Data (124 KB, PDF)
  • If you don't attend church what would encourage you to do so Data (109 KB, PDF)
  • What respondents thought of the survey Data (156 KB, PDF)
  • Length of time to complete the survey Data (20 KB, PDF)

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